Paratrooper Index

Click Here to see General Gavin and some of the original 505ers






The "Pictures" section has personal photos with captions describing some of the action. Many are in H Company, but there are others as well.

Click on a listing.

505th Parachute Infantry Regiment,

Regimental Combat Team Photograph Archive.................New 2020

Officers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment............New 2015

3rd Battalion's Headquarters Company Photograph..........New 2015

3rd Battalion's I Company Photograph ..............................New 2015

3rd Battalion's G Company Photograph ............................New 2015

H Company Standing Retreat-May 1944-Camp Quorn......New 2015

1st Battalion's B Company Photograph.



505 Paratrooper Listings:

Edwin "Eddie" Ames.......................New 2015

Harry E. Anderson..........................New

Joseph G. Anderson......................New 2020

Berge Avadanian...........................New 2024

Robert B. Bales

Charles E. Barnhart.......................New 2015

Nicholas Barres

Clayton V. Bauer............................New 2017

Norbert P. Beach

Eldon E. Berry

Thomas Blakey - links to his Library of Congress web page

Ernest R. Blanchard

William L. Blank ..............................New 2014

Elmer D. Blubaugh

Earl Boling

Samuel B. Bowen...........................New

Joseph L. Bronk ............................New 2014

William J. Brunsman ......................New

Dave Bullington

Charles E. Burt..............................New 2015

Oscar L. Byrn................................New 2015

William D. Calbreath......................New 2020

Buffalo Boy Canoe.........................WW-II Hero in four books ?

Roger A. Carlson...........................New April 2024

Wheatley T. Christensen...............New 2015

William A. Clark - links to a blog created by Clark's nephew

James M. Coleman

Joseph L. Comer............................New 2016

Samuel E. Cook.............................New 2013

James J. Coyle

Leslie P. Cruise Jr.

James J. Currin

Winfred Davies

John T. Diffin

Harold A. DeLosh

John J. Dolan.................................New 2020

Robert H. Dumke

Roland "Porter" Fay......................New 2015

John J. Field..................................New 2017

Wallace "Leo" Figueroa

Joseph C. Fitt................................Coming soon summer 2024

Billy J. Fleming

Harrold R. Flintoff..........................New 2022

George Fotovich...........................Coming soon summer 2024

Wesley A. Forsythe.......................New 2015

William P. French, Pfc.

Edward C. Gaudette......................New 2022

Commie Gibbs...............................New 2016

Thomas L Glass.............................New 2015

Morris P. Guerrant..........................New 2021

Billy G. Hahnen...............................New 2015

Dennis C. Hannah..........................New 2016

James H. Hardesty..........................New 2016

Kenneth L. Harris........................... New, May 2023

Emerson G. Heal ...........................New

Marcus Heim

Jack and Josh Hill...........................New May 2024

Bradley W. Hinchliff........................New

Lester Hittepole

Leonard Hodges

Kenneth R. Holden

Robert E. Hollenbeck

David R. Holmes ............................New 2017

Joe R. Horvath, Sgt.

J.D. Humphries ..............................New 2016

Robert "Bob" Hughart.....................New 2017

Jerome "Jerry" Huth .......................New

Charles E. Johnson .......................New 2014

Kenneth Kasse

Calvin Kaufman

Morton Katz....................................May 2024

A.J. Largent

Harvill W. Lazenby..........................New 2015

Medinger Magonigle

Alvin L. Manville, Sgt.

Pfc. Francis H. Markwood

Robert M Matteson, 2nd Lt.

Charles W. Maxey..........................New 2015

Dean McCandless..........................New 2021

Donald W. McKeage

William "Bill" Meddaugh

Rudy Melendez

Howard P. Melvin - links to the Quartermaster Foundation website

Rocco V. Micciolo ..........................New

Arnal "Ducth" Nagel

Wilburn C. Nelson..........................New 2022

Dennis O’Loughlin

Charles O'Neill...............................New 2017

William D. Owens...........................New 2020

Hubert G. Pack, T5

David L. Packard............................Coming soon 2024

Charles C. Pastor ..........................New 2015

Horace Pearl

Arnold W. Peterman .......................New

Nicholas Polachek, Pvt.

Charles K. Qualls............................New, January 2023

John H. Rabig.................................New, July 2024

George Rajner

James J. Ricci.................................New 2020

William K. Richardson

Ruby William Robinson...................New 2020

James V. Rodier.............................New 2014

Clyde Russell

Otis L. Sampson, Sgt.

William "Billy" Sanchez...................New 2023

Lawrence J. Schehl........................New 2024

Frankie B. Schneider, Pfc..............New 2021

Arthur “Dutch” Schultz, Sgt. - links to a site created by Sgt. Schultz's daughter.

Wayne G. Schultz

Francis X. Schweikert....(and other G Company troopers.)

Irvin "Turk" Seelye........................New 2020

Harry J. Sellers.............................New 2022

Herbert R. Shenafield...................New 2024

Leonard M. Skolek

Mart Smith, Pvt.

Lawrence R. Solari

Nicholas Sovich............................New 2016

John M. Steele

Northam H. Stolp

Donald G. Sutherland...................

Constantine J. Szwedo

Ladislau "Laddie" Tlapa

Vincent G. Triner...........................

Benjamin H. Vandervoort

Virian A. Wadford.........................New 2015

Taylor C. Waldron........................New

Spencer F. Wurst

Ronald H. Wynn...........................New

James R. Yates

Robert Johnstone Young

Emmett L. Zimmerman Jr.



Medics of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment

Edwin "Eddie" Ames.......................New 2015

Carl R. Comstock Jr.

Winfred Davies ..............................New 2015

Calvin Kaufman

Daniel B. McIlvoy

Gerald L. Parker

Alexander P. Suer

Galloway Turnipseed.....................New 2015

James S. Wells



456 Parachute Field Artillery

Herman L. Alley

Douglas Bailey

Harry T. Greenfield.....................New 2022

Edward G. Lakomy

Henry C. Langevin......................New 2016

Fred Migliori................................New 2015

Richard W. Mote........................(A very interesting read)

Frank T. Pheil.............................New June 2023

Jack O. Phelps ...........................New 2015

George S. Sipple........................New 2013

Wesley G. Snell..........................New 2015

Harold R. Thain

Ted Wingstrom


80th Airborne Artillery

Harry G. Berry

William D. Edwards......................New 2021

Raymond E. Fary........................New 2015

Bill Fuller, 2nd Lt.

Harold P. Luken

Leonard M. Klinkner



307 Engineers

Elmer Q. Siddall


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