Roll of Honor

Names P through Z

INTRO        A-D | E-I | J-O | P-Z

Packard David L   1/Lt Co E Italy 10/6/1943 KIA USA
Palmer Arnold   Jr Pvt Co F Holland 9/19/1944 KIA USA
Palmer Phillip V   Pvt Unk Sicily 7/11/1943 KIA USA
Pate Lacy     Pvt Co G Ardennes 1/4/1945 DOW USA
Paugh James C   Pvt HQ/2 Ardennes 1/4/1945 DOW USA
Peddicord Roper R   1/Lt Co E Normandy 6/7/1944 KIA USA
Pennington Clarence L   Pvt Co C Normandy 6/9/1944 KIA NOR
Perlman Richard     Pfc Co E Ardennes 12/21/1944 KIA USA
Perry Robert G   S/Sgt HQ/2 Normandy 6/7/1944 KIA USA
Peterman Harold E   Pvt Co F Holland 9/20/1944 KIA MAR
Peterson Bernard W   Cpl Co E Ardennes 1/5/1945 KIA USA
Pfeiffer Gerald J   Pfc Co I Normandy 6/6/1945 KIA NOR
Pichett Burwell F   Sgt Co D Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Pilcher Hamp F   Sgt Co A Normandy 6/22/1944 KIA NOR
Pilgrim Royce B   Pfc HQ/2 Holland 10/6/1944 KIA USA
Piriak Andrew D   S/Sgt Co G Ardennes 12/30/1944 DOW USA
Place Glendon L   Pvt Co C Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Plank Clarence A   Pfc Co A Holland 10/2/1944 KIA USA
Polachek Nicholas     Pvt Co C Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Popilsky Ben N   Sgt Co E Holland 9/19/1944 KIA USA
Portis John     S/Sgt Co E Holland 9/25/1944 KIA MAR
Potty Eli W   Pvt Co F Normandy 6/9/1944 KIA NOR
Prager Clarence     S/Sgt Co I Holland 9/18/1944 KIA USA
Presutti Anthony F   Pvt Co H Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA USA
Price John W   Sgt HQ/2 Normandy 6/15/1944 KIA USA
Pritchard Norman M   Pfc Co D Normandy 6/16/1944 KIA USA
Przyborowski Edward T   Pfc Co E Holland 9/26/1944 KIA MAR
Przybyla Joseph J   Pvt Co I Normandy 6/21/1944 KIA USA
Przybyla Peter K   Pvt HQ/3 Ardennes 12/27/1944 KIA USA
Purull Edward S   Pfc Co H Ardennes 12/31/1944 KIA USA
Qualls Charles K   1/LT HQ/2 Ardennes 12/26/1944 KIA USA
Raczkowski Eugene J   Pvt Co B Normandy 6/18/1944 KIA NOR
Rajner George J   Pfc Co D Normandy 7/3/1944 KIA NOR
Raux Raymond P   2/Lt Reg.HQ Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA France
Ray John P   Sgt Co F Normandy 6/7/1944 DOW NOR
Reed Ralph R   Pvt Co B Normandy 7/7/1944 DOW Cambridge
Reed Roy WJ Pvt Co I Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA USA
Reedy Angus L Jr Pvt Co F Italy 9/29/1943 KIA S-R
Regan James R   Pfc Co I Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Reichardt Paul W   Pfc Co F Italy 10/5/1943 KIA USA
Reid Harold F   Pvt Co H Normandy 7/21/1944 KIA NOR
Reynolds William F   Sgt Co I Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA H-C
Rice John D   Capt Co B England 5/12/1944 DNB USA
Riley Richard S   S/Sgt HQ/1 Sicily 7/14/1943 KIA USA
Rivas Lucas J   Pvt Co D Holland 9/21/1944 KIA USA
Robbins Wilbert H Jr 2/Lt Co C Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA H-C
Roberts James E   T/5 Co A Holland 10/7/1944 DOW MAR
Roberts John W   S/Sgt HQ/3 Normandy 6/25/1944 DOW NOR
Robinson Frank E   Pvt HQ/3 Holland 10/3/1944 KIA USA
Rockford Sonnie J   Pvt Co C Holland 9/21/1944 KIA MAR
Rojas Frank R   Pfc Co F Ardennes 1/31/1945 KIA USA
Rosen Robert H   Capt Co F Holland 9/20/1944 DOW USA
Rosnovski Ferdinand G   Pfc Reg.HQ Holland 10/10/1944 DOW USA
Ross William A   Pvt Co A Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Rowe William A   1/Lt Co H Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA H-C
Roysdon Dale A   Capt 1BnS3 Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Rudy Leo R   Pfc Co B Germany 2/11/1945 KIA H-C
Rund James A   Pvt Co I Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Russell Phillip N   Pvt HQ/3 Normandy 6/22/1944 KIA NOR
Russell William A   Pvt Co H Holland 10/6/1944 KIA MAR
Russo Louis     Pvt HQ/2 Ardennes 12/21/1944 KIA H-C
Ryan Francis A   Pfc Unk Germany 4/6/1945 KIA USA
Sager William  J   Pfc HQ/3 Ardennes 1/8/1945 KIA USA
Sanchez William      Pfc Co G Ardennes 12/22/1944 KIA USA
Sandefur Felix C   Sgt Co I Normandy 6/8/1944 KIA NOR
Sandin Gust W Jr 2/Lt HQ/2 Italy 10/6/1943 KIA S-R
Sandy Joseph J   Pvt Co B Germany 4/30/1945 KIA USA
Saragola Victor G   Pfc Co F Ardennes 1/3/1945 DOW USA
Sarka Charles     Pvt Co A Holland 10/2/1944 KIA MAR
Scambelluri Michael A   Pfc Co C Sicily 9/22/1943 DOW USA
Scarberry James C   Pfc HQ/3 Normandy 6/24/1944 DOW USA
Schehl Lawrence J   Pfc Co G Holland 10/7/1944 KIA USA
Schell Lowell C   Pfc Co F Ardennes 1/7/1945 DOW USA
Scherzer Merrill N   Pvt Med/G Normandy 7/4/1944 KIA NOR
Schmidt Karl F   Pfc Co I Ardennes 12/24/1944 KIA Neuville
Schramm Harold V   Cpl Co D Ardennes 12/27/1944 KIA USA
Schroeder Bernard J   Pvt Co D Ardennes 12/25/1944 KIA USA
Schuetzle Palmer F   S/Sgt Co A Holland 10/7/1944 DOW MAR
Schultz Robert L   T/4 HQ/3 Holland 9/29/1944 KIA USA
Shawver Lee E   Pfc Co A Holland 9/26/1944 KIA MAR
Shearer Penrose D   Pfc Co F Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Shelton J.D.     Pfc Co C Holland 9/20/1944 KIA USA
Shenafield Herbert R   Cpl Co H Holland 10/4/1944 KIA USA
Shimek John     Pvt Co A Holland 9/20/1944 KIA MAR
Shough James A   Pfc Co E Holland 9/17/1944 KIA MAR
Siever Clarence R   Pvt Co H Ardennes 1/3/1945 DOW USA
Simon Walter F   2/Lt HQ/3 Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Simonds Donald E   Pvt HQ/1 Holland 9/19/1944 KIA USA
Sinkovich Frank     Pfc Co H Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA USA
Sirois Emanuel     Pvt Co B Holland 9/17/1944 KIA USA
Skinner Authur W   Pvt Co D Ardennes 1/9/1945 KIA USA
Sly Paul  E   Pvt Co C Ardennes 1/8/1945 DOW USA
Small William A Jr Pvt Co B Holland 10/7/1944 KIA USA
Smart James H   Pvt Reg.HQ Holland 10/10/1944 DOW USA
Smith Bert O   Pvt HQ/2 Holland 9/22/1944 KIA USA
Smith Edwin R   Pfc HQ/3 Sicily 7/11/1943 KIA S-R
Smith Gilbert C   Pvt Reg.HQ Oran 6/7/1943 DNB USA
Smith Glenwood     Cpl Co E Germany 4/8/1945 KIA USA
Smith James R   Pfc Co F Ardennes 12/22/1944 KIA USA
Smith Mart     Pvt Co F Holland 9/19/1944 DOW Mar
Smith Richard J   Pvt Co H Normandy 6/22/1944 DOW USA
Smith Stanley S   Sgt Co G Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Smith Vernon R   2/Lt HQ/2 Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Smith Walter C   Cpl Unk Sicily 7/10/1943 MIA S-R WOM
Smithson Raymond D   Cpl Co D Normandy 6/21/1944 KIA USA
Sonnenburg George R   Pvt Co E Ardennes 12/21/1944 DOW USA
Souders William C   Pvt Co A Holland 10/7/1944 DOW USA
Sourile Leonard C   T/5 Co B Germany 2/11/1945 KIA H-C
Sousa Joseph R   Pfc HQ/3 Normandy 6/21/1944 KIA USA
Spriggs Glendon L   T/5 HQ/3 Germany 4/29/1945 KIA USA
Sprinkle John D D   1/Lt CO D/Ex Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA S-R
Sprouse Jewel P   Pvt Co H Normandy 6/21/1944 KIA USA
Stark Ralph D   Pvt Co I Ardennes 1/4/1945 DOW H-C
Starling Leo F   Pfc Co A Holland 9/30/1944 KIA Mar
Stefanich Anthony M   Capt Co CO Holland 9/18/1944 KIA USA
Stephens William A   Pfc Co I Normandy 6/8/1944 KIA USA
Stigall John D W   Pvt Co G Ardennes 12/24/1944 KIA USA
Stiner Gordon W   Pvt Co E Ardennes 12/21/1944 KIA H-C
Stocks Joseph G   Pvt Co I Holland 9/23/1944 KIA USA
Stone James H   Pfc HQ/3 Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Stoneking Thomas E   Pvt Co B Holland 9/20/1944 DOW USA
Stratton John     Pfc Co F Ardennes 12/21/1944 DOW USA
Striker Lynn A   Pvt Co A Holland 9/20/1944 KIA Mar
Sturgeon Oscar H   Pfc Co B Ardennes 1/7/1945 KIA USA
Suer Alexander P   Capt Dentist Ardennes 2/1/1945 DOW USA
Sullivan Authur A   Pvt Co C Normandy 6/13/1944 KIA NOR
Summa James J   Pvt Co D Holland 9/20/1944 KIA USA
Sumpter Raymond P   Pvt Co C Germany 5/28/1945 KIA Neuville
Sweeney Alvin     Pvt Co H Holland 10/8/1944 KIA USA
Swingler Harold H   Capt Co I Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Synold Frederick G   Pfc Co I Normandy 6/18/1944 DOW NOR
Syrene Irving N   S/Sgt HQ/2 Ardennes 1/5/1945 KIA USA
Taylor James F   Pfc Co C Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA USA
Taylor William A   Pvt Reg.HQ Holland 9/21/1944 DOW MAR
Thompson Benjamin H   Pfc Ser/Co Germandy 5/2/1945 DOW USA
Thompson Floyd D   Pvt Unk Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA USA
Thompson Richard V   Sgt Co E Italy 11/5/1943 KIA S-R
Thorington Benjamin F   Pfc Co G Normandy 6/8/1944 KIA NOR
Thornton Joseph W   Pfc Co G Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Threet Alvin A Jr T/Sgt Co C Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Throckmorton T.H.     Pvt HQ/1 Sicily 7/14/1943 KIA S-R
Tlapa Ladislaw     Pvt Co F Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Tobin Richard     Sgt HQ/3 Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Townsend Donnell T   Cpl Co G Sicily 7/10/1943 DOW S-R
Townsend James G   Pfc Unk Normandy 7/7/1944 KIA NOR
Trail Melvin C   Pvt Unk Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA S-R
Treme Joseph G   Cpl Co D Normandy 6/21/1944 KIA USA
Trumble George B   T/4 Co C Normandy 6/8/1944 KIA USA
Trumbull Thomas F   Sgt Co H Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA  USA
Turnbull Turner B   1/Lt Co D Normandy 6/7/1944 KIA NOR
Tuttle Roy M   Pvt HQ/2 Holland 10/9/1944 KIA USA
Vah Pete     Pvt HQ/1 Normandy 6/5/1944 KIA USA
Valentinelli Albert F   1/Lt Reg.HQ Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA H-C
Van Holsbeck Alfred J   Pfc Co F Normandy 6/8/1944 KIA USA
Vanich Sam     Pfc Co I Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Vargas Richard A   Pvt Co H Normandy 6/7/1944 KIA USA
Varvakis Charles R   Pvt Co E Ardennes 12/21/1944 KIA USA
Vaught Kenneth A   Cpl HQ/1 Normandy 6/5/1944 DNB Cambridge
Veazey Vermie T   Pvt Ser/Co Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA S-R
Vickery Tony J   T/4 HQ/1 Normandy 6/11/1944 KIA NOR
Vidumsky Stephen W   Pvt HQ/3 Sicily 7/11/1943 KIA S-R
Vrabic Thomas S   Cpl Unk France 8/17/1945 DNB St Avold
Wagner Robert T   Pfc HQ/1 Germany 4/6/1945 MIA MAR WOM
Waite Morris A   Pfc Co C Normandy 6/10/1944 KIA USA
Walas John     1/Lt Co E Ardennes 1/5/1945 KIA H-C
Walker Wallace J   2/Lt HQ/2 Germany 2/10/1945 DOW USA
Walkup Willard W   2/Lt HQ/3 Sicily 7/4/1943 KIA S-R
Wallace Robert E   S/Sgt Co I Germany 4/30/1945 KIA USA
Walter Authur B   Pvt Co D Holland 10/12/1944 DOW MAR
Walter William C   Pfc Co G Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Wambach James A   Pfc Co H Holland 10/31/1944 DOW MAR
Wands John B Jr Pvt Co H Normandy 6/14/1944 KIA USA
Ward Corney M   Pfc Co F Holland 9/20/1944 KIA MAR
Ward Ralph W   Pvt HQ/Co Normandy 6/7/1944 KIA NOR
Ward Raymond G   S/Sgt HQ/3 Normandy 7/7/1944 DOW NOR
Ward Trynca C   Pfc Co C Germany 4/30/1945 KIA MAR
Ward William A   Pfc Co F Italy 10/7/1943 DOW S-R
Warner Logan E   Pvt Co E Ardennes 12/21/1944 KIA H-C
Weatherwax Dale W   Cpl Co H Holland 9/19/1944 KIA MAR
Webber Robert L   Pvt Co E Ardennes 2/14/1945 KIA USA
Wernicke Charles F   Pvt Co A Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Whealton Noel M   Pfc Co G Sicily 7/11/1943 KIA USA
Wheatley Charles     Pfc Co C Ardennes 1/3/1945 DOW USA
White Donald L   Pfc HQ/3 Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA USA
White Edward J   Sgt Co H Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
White William D   Pvt Co F Germany 4/30/1945 KIA USA
Whitesel Lester E Sr Pfc Co G Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Whitted Thomas C   Sgt HQ/2 Normandy 6/11/1944 KIA NOR
Wilber Edward C   Pvt Co C Normandy 6/10/1944 KIA NOR
Wilkerson Alexander E   Pvt Co D Ardennes 1/4/1945 KIA H-C
Williams Herbert F   Sgt Co C Normandy 6/10/1944 KIA USA
Wilber Edward C   Pvt Co C Normandy 6/10/1944 KIA NOR
Wilkerson Alexander E   Pvt Co D Ardennes 1/4/1945 KIA H-C
Williams Herbert P   Sgt Co C Normandy 6/10/1944 KIA MAR
Williams Jack C   Pvt Co F Holland 9/20/1944 DOW MAR
Williams Richard V   Sgt HQ/1 Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA USA
Wilson Brady H   Pvt HQ/3 Sicily 7/11/1943 KIA USA
Wilson Murlyn E   Pvt Co B Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA USA
Wilson William T   1/Lt HQ/2 Ardennes 1/3/1945 KIA H-C
Woloszyn Edward S   Pvt Co C Normandy 7/3/1944 DOW NOR
Woltz Harold W   Sgt HQ/2 Ardennes 12/21/1944 KIA USA
Woodall George T Jr Pvt Unk Italy 10/5/1943 KIA S-R
Wooden Eugene E   Pfc HQ/2 Normandy 6/6/1944 KIA NOR
Wray Waverly W   1/Lt Co D Holland 9/19/1944 KIA USA
Wright Bonnie G   S/Sgt Co F Ardennes 1/3/1945 DOW USA
Yanoso Peter     Pvt HQ/3 Normandy 6/8/1944 KIA USA
Yeazell Dale A   Cpl Ser/Co Normandy 6/22/1944 DOW NOR
Yeazell Douglas A   T/Sgt Co A Germany 1/31/1945 KIA USA
Yesko Nicholas     Pvt HQ/3 Normandy 7/7/1944 MIA NOR WOM
Young Herman P   Cpl HQ/2 Normandy 6/22/1944 DOW NOR
Young Robert J   Pfc. Co C Sicily 3/08/1944 DNB USA
Zakrzewski Charles     Pfc Co G Holland 9/29/1944 KIA MAR
Zelinsky Anthony J   Pvt Co F Sicily 7/10/1943 KIA USA

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